About 50 students of NUACA will have free access to Yerevan Subway with the support of the RPA Youth Organization

On 30 September at the Meeting Hall of the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia an event was held during which 50 socially disadvantaged students with excellent academic progress were awarded plastic cards of Ararat Bank allowing them have free access to Yerevan Subway twice a day.
The event was organized by the joint initiative of the Youth Organization of the Republican Party of Armenia and the NUACA Student’s Council. It was attended by the Director of Yerevan Subway Paylak Yayloyan and the Head of Ararat bank Ashot Osipyan.
As it mentioned the Head of the NUACA Student’s Council Hovsep Hoveyan this initiative will be continual and aims to encourage students with excellent progress and social activity, as well as support socially disadvantaged students.