Member of RPA Youth Organization participated in YEPP Council Meeting in Brussels

On 24-27 September in the capital of Belgium Brussels the Council Meeting of YEPP was held. RPA Youth Organization participated in it.
The meeting was titled “Youth. Job. Internet”. It was held in the European Parliament in Brussels. At the course of the council meeting young people held a meeting with the former President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy. The President of YEPP Mr. Konstantinos Kiranakis, the EPP Secretary General, Member of EPP Group Mr. Antonio López-Istúriz and the European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation Mr. Carlos Modeas delivered a speech. There were discussed a number of issues on unemployment, job possibilities, competitiveness in the job market. It was represented the activities of digital business in Europe.
Then a number of resolutions on forming a Temporary Working Group on the refugee crisis, competitiveness of EU farmers, Russia's military intervention to Ukraine, provision of information on digital skills for one million Europeans by Google, alternative proposal to Turkey on the privileged co-operation instead of EU membership were discussed in the meeting.
The resolution on Turkey’s membership to the European Union was adopted with the amendment concerning the exclusion of Turkey's full membership of the EU due to the denial of the Armenian Genocide. The amendment was proposed by the RPA Youth Organization.
Member of RPA Youth Organization Hasmik Apyan attached great importance to the participation of RPA Youth Organization in the above mentioned meeting and noted that it opens various opportunities of establishing new contacts, adopting pro-Armenian resolutions and becoming a full member of YEPP.