PM Inspects Grapes Harvesting Activities in Armavir Marz

Accompanied by Minister of Agriculture Sergo Karapetyan,, Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan traveled to Armavir Marz to get acquainted with the grapes harvesting process.
The Prime Minister first called at the headquarters of Armavir Marz administration to meet with the processing entities’ representatives who raised the issue of attracting additional financial resources to cover this year’s surplus in grapes supply. The Premier promised to assist them in this matter.
Then Hovik Abrahamyan met with the local community heads and farmers in order to get a firsthand view of their concerns regarding the procurement process. Noting that the supply of grapes exceeds the market demand due to this year’s bumper harvest, the Prime Minister stressed that the Government is taking steps to facilitate the sales of grapes.
The Prime Minister instructed the Governor of Armavir Marz to work with the community heads on order to draw up a list of such communities where problems may arise during the procurement process.
Hovik Abrahamyan next visited the processing enterprises, including the Armavir subsidiary of the Yerevan Brandy Factory, MAP CJSC and the New Amasia procurement facility of the Yerevan Ararat Brandy-Wine-Vodka Factory OJSC where he inspected the harvesting process and talked to the local viticulturists.
In conclusion, the Head of Government issued relevant instructions for the Minister of Agriculture and the Governor of Armavir Marz regarding the proper organization of the procurement process.