Mayor Taron Margaryan met with Markku Markkula

Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan met with the Co-Chair of the “Conference of Regional and Local Authorities of the Eastern Partnership” Markku Markkula. The President of Union of Communities of Armenia Emin Yeritsyan also took part in the meeting. Attaching particular importance to the holding the meeting of the bureau of the CORLEAP in Yerevan for the first time Mayor Taron Margaryan said that it’s a good platform for local authorities to strengthen the institutional circles.
“Yerevan Municipality effectively cooperates with the structures of the European Union. We attach importance to the direct financing of the cities within the scope of the Eastern Partnership, particularly in the spheres of energy saving, transport and a number of other infrastructures. I am sure that the work of the meeting of the bureau of CORLEAP was effective and the interaction carried out within the frames of the conference will be long-term”, stressed the Mayor.
Expressing gratitude for warm welcome the Co-Chair of the CORLEAP Markku Markkula noted that holding the conference in Yerevan was successful and expressed hope that it would have its special role in certain development in the system of local government.
“We attach importance to cooperation expansion in the countries of Eastern Partnership which is aimed at economic development of the cities, decentralized management and implementation of various programs financed by the European Union. Today our organization has six countries-members including 40 European regions and I hope that such conferences and summits will contribute to the improvement of the skills of local governance from the point of view of applying new approaches as well”, said Markku Markkula.
The Mayor once again stressed the importance of cooperation expansion with the structures of the European Union in various spheres of urban economy management and added that besides the cooperation with international organizations Yerevan Municipality takes serious steps to sustainable development and strengthening of bilateral cooperation with the capitals and cities of Europe.