


 President Serzh Sargsyan, who has arrived in the Republic of Tajikistan on a working visit, took part today in the session of the Collective Security Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

In the beginning, the negotiations were conducted among the presidents of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and the CSTO secretary-general. Afterwards, the heads of the CSTO member states continued the session with the participation of the delegation members.

During the plenary session of the CSTO Collective Security Council, a number of documents were concluded, including the statement by the heads of the CSTO member states.

In his statement made during the session President Serzh Sargsyan firstly congratulated Tajikistani President Emomali Rahmon for the invitation and warm welcome in the hospitable city of Dushanbe, stressed Tajikistan’s active chairmanship of the organization in 2015 and its substantial contribution to the promotion of collaboration among the CSTO member states, then presented the priorities of Armenia’s upcoming CSTO chairmanship.

After the end of the session of the CSTO Collective Security Council, RA President Serzh Sargsyan, Tajikistani President Emomali Rahmon and CSTO Secretary-General Nikolai Bordyuzha had a meeting with mass media representatives during which they summed up the results of the session.




Press Statement by President Serzh Sargsyan on the Results of the Session of the CSTO Collective Security Council


Good afternoon, dear representatives of the mass media,

Just now we finished the regular session of the CSTO Collective Security Council, during which we discussed the status of decisions adopted at the December session and outlined programs for the upcoming year. Armenia took over the CSTO chairmanship from the Republic of Tajikistan. Availing myself of this opportunity, I would like to thank President Rahmon once again for the effective chairmanship of the organization.

The session resulted in the adoption of a statement which embraces the assessments of works carried out in all the main directions of our cooperation in the CSTO format.

Generally speaking, we are satisfied with the CSTO’s development pace. We are making vigorous efforts to raise the potential of the CSTO military component.

In May this year, the Collective Security Council adopted an unexpected resolution to check the combat training of the CSTO Collective Rapid Response Forces. The event was joined by the full contingent of the Collective Rapid Response Forces of the CSTO member states, i.e. more than 2.5 thousand servicemen, operative groups from the member states and the CSTO Joint Staff. The Collective Rapid Response Forces are able to rapidly respond to challenges and threats in the region within the CSTO boundaries and are ready to push back a military attack, including an act of aggression against a separate CSTO member state.

During the session, the parties adopted a resolution on the CSTO Collective Air Forces - the vital constituent of the CSTO military component. An agreement was concluded to promote cooperation among military and other formations, as well as in the sphere of the transfer of their moveable goods and products of military importance. A resolution was made to extend the validity of the agreement which regulates issues related to the technical safety of railways on the territory of the CSTO member states.

During the session, a resolution was made on the CSTO secretary-general and the Joint Staff, on issues related to other organizational and administrative-financial aspects of CSTO activities, and next year’s budget was established.


I presented the priorities of Armenia’s chairmanship for the upcoming year, particularly:

Increase of the CSTO collective potential, pursuant to the organization’s statute and based on the principle of succession;

Further development of the conceptual foundations of CSTO activities and the crisis response system;

The institutional aspects of raising the effectiveness of CSTO activities, including the issues pertaining to the improvement of foreign policy coordination and promotion of cooperation with other international organizations;

Further improvement of the management of CSTO system forces and resources, increase of the peacekeeping potential, deepening of military-technical and military-economic cooperation, and optimization of the logistics component for transit and transfer;

We intend to focus on issues of jointly counteracting international terrorism and extremism, neo-fascism, chauvinism and manifestations of other forms of xenophobia. In this context, we also attach great importance to making concerted efforts in the area of cyber security.

I am sure that the fulfillment of our agreements will made a weighty contribution to ensuring security and stability within the CSTO zone.

Thank you, for your attention.

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