RPA Youth Organization was elected a member of EDS of the European People’s Party

On July 28 in Malta the annual meeting of European Democrat Students, EPP official student organization, has launched. Being the largest youth organization in Europe, it represents over 1.600.000 students and young people in 36 member organizations from 31 countries in Europe. European Democrat Students unites already 40 student and political youth organizations come together to shape modern centre-right policies for Europe.
Its main goal is to promote a free, democratic and united Europe through a greater student mobility and comprehensive education policies across the continent.
The topic of the meeting was “Effective immigration and immigration policies.” Within the frameworks of the meeting there were held several discussions on educational and immigration issues. The Armenian delegation was represented by the Youth Organization of the Republican Party of Armenia, headed by the NA Deputy, Head of RPA Youth Organization Karen Avagyan. Among the members of the delegation were Anna Ohanyan and Arusik Poghosyan. The 4th day of the meeting, July 31, was one of the important days for RPA Youth Organization since it was elected a member of European Democrat Students, receiving 166 votes out of 169 with 3 invalid votes. It is unprecedented for EDS.
We should note that it is the 3rd great achievement of RPA Youth Organization for this year. In January a member of RPA Youth Organization was elected a Vice-president of DEMYC and in May – a member of YEPP.