Mayor Taron Margaryan met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Argentina to Armenia

Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Argentina to the RA H.E. Mr Gonzalo Urriolabeitia. Congratulating the Ambassador on starting his diplomatic mission in Armenia the Mayor expressed confidence that the warm relationship formed with the Embassy would be carried on and expressed hope that due to Active support of the Ambassador the relationship between the two capitals would get a new stimulus. Attaching particular importance to the agreement on declaration Yerevan and Buenos Aires sister-cities Mayor Taron Margaryan noted that today there are wide possibilities and perspectives for cooperation both in experience exchange in local self-governance, and for effective interaction in various spheres of urban economy.
“We attach particular importance to international experience exchange in the issue of effective governance. From this point of view it’s certainly very important to stimulate effective cooperation with partner cities. From year to year Yerevan is expanding the frames of cooperation, so we expect that with your active support you will give a new pace to the bilateral partnership between Yerevan and Buenos Aires”, stressed Taron Margaryan.
Expressing gratitude for warm welcome the Ambassador of Argentina Gonzalo Urriolabeitia in his turn attached importance to the willingness of Yerevan Mayor to expand the cooperation and stressed that he would do his best within his powers to promote more practical interaction between Yerevan and Buenos Aires. “The problems of cities are very much alike and I agree with you, Mr Mayor, that developing interaction in the spheres of mutual interest finding solutions to them becomes easier. And I assure you that I will do my best within my powers to contribute to the establishment and development of partnership between the cities of the two countries and in the near future we will discuss the perspectives of implementation of concrete projects”, said the Ambassador.
At the end of the meeting Mayor Taron Margaryan wished successful work to Gonzalo Urriolabeitia in his responsible office and once again stressed that the Municipality attaches importance to stimulation of effective interaction so it is open and willing to assist in mutually beneficial cooperation, tourism development and implementation of investment projects in Yerevan.