Mayor Taron Margaryan met with the members of the Coordinating Council of the Armenian organization of France

The delegation headed by Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan which is in Marseille with an official visit met with the members of the Coordinating Council of the Armenian organizations of France (CCAF SUD) at Consulate General of Armenia in Marseille. The co-president of CCAF Jacques Donapetyan presented the Mayor the activity of the organization and noted that the their organization unites and coordinates more than 20 organizations and is represented in Marseille, Lyon and Paris.
“Mister Mayor, we are glad to meet you in person and to discuss with you all those directions within the frames of which we can develop effective cooperation. We are willing to activate our interaction with Yerevan Municipality, as it’s important for us to strengthen our ties with Homeland”, said Jacques Donapetyan. CCAF co-president Simon Azilazyan in his turn noted that the directions of cooperation were diverse and expressed hope that Yerevan Mayor’s visit would stimulate the bilateral relations.
Highly appreciating the activity of the Armenian council in the issue of keeping the Armenian culture and patriotic upbringing Yerevan Mayor attached particular importance to active participation of the organization aimed at the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide. Taron Margaryan also stressed that Yerevan Municipality is open and willing to assist within its powers in all the initiatives to be carried out for the sake of the residents of Yerevan and Marseille.
“Yerevan is the capital of all Armenians and the doors of this big house are always open to all our compatriots. I am sure that together with Coordination Council of the Armenian organizations of France we can develop successful cooperation and I assure you, that Yerevan Municipality will do its best within its powers to strengthen the ties of our compatriots with their historical homeland”, said Taron Margaryan.
Within the frames of the meeting Yerevan Mayor answered the questions raised by the members of the Council. Presenting the programs and priorities of Yerevan development programs Taron Margaryan stressed that one of the most important components of mutually beneficial cooperation is the active participation of Marseille Municipality and the business community in these programs, and this aspect is based on the activities of the local Armenian community and national organizations.