RA NA President Receives Anne Kempa

On March 20 the RA NA President Galust Sahakyan received Anne Kempa, the newly appointed Head of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit/ German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation GIZ Armenia Office .
The NA President congratulated Anne Kempa on assuming a new post and highlighted the support of the GIZ to the RA National Assembly, the Control Chamber and the Ministry of Finance in the implementation of the programme budgetary contribution.
Galust Sahakyan has positively assessed the programme being implemented for the rise of parliamentary oversight efficiency in the system of public financing managment, within the framework of which the RA NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs has registered a significant progress towards the strengthening of legislative control.
The NA President also spotlighted the creation of the legal field necessary for independent budgeary office in the parliament as a result of close cooperation between the GIZ and the RA NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs. He has expressed confidence that the establishment of the office will improve the control function of the RA National Assembly.
Galust Sahakyan has also highlighted the training programme aimed at the development of the professional capabilities of the employees of the parliamentary committees in the sphere of the programme budgeting and has noted that in the upcoming four-day sittings of the National Assembly the law on the creation of the budgetary office will be debated in the sencond reading.
The RA NA President thanked the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for implementing programmes in Armenia and assured Anne Kempa that he would support the Office in all its endeavours.
Anne Kempa, Head of the GIZ Armenia Office highlighted her visit to the RA National Assembly and thanked Galust Sahakyan for permanently keeping at the centre of attention the process of creation of the budgetary office. She has noted that she highlights the cooperation with the RA National Assembly and the Government and expects the adoption of the law on budgetary office. Mrs Kempa has also emphasized the training of the employees of the standing committees of the parliament.