
RA National Assembly Continues the Work of the Four-Day Sittings


 On February 3 the RA National Assembly continued the work of the four-day sittings and passed by voting the package of bills “On Amending the RA Law Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly,” “On Amending the RA Law on the RA Budgetary System” and “On Amending the RA Law on the RA Control Chamber” authored by the deputies Galust Sahakyan, Gagik Minasyan, Artsvik Minasyan, Samvel Nikoyan, Hrant Bagratyan, Khosrov Harutyunyan, Sukias Avetisyan, Mher Shahgeldyan.

Then the parliamentarians continued debating the RA draft law “On Amending the RA Law on Turnover Tax.”

The deputies Naira Zohrabyan, Hovhannes Margaryan, Heghine Bisharyan, Tevan Poghosyan, Artsvik Minasyan, Mikayel Melkumyan, Hrant Bagratyan, Aram Manukyan, Lernik Alexanyan, Sukias Avetisyan, Gurgen Arsenyan presented their views. The NA factions also submitted their views on the issue under debate.

The Head of the Heritage faction Rubik Hakobyan has reminded that other factions consider that the arbitrariness should be the main principle in the law “On Turnover Tax.”

Artsvik Minasyan from the ARF faction has informed that the faction will vote for the presented amendment, but deems necessary to find mutually admissible solutions.

The Head of the ANC faction Levon Zurabyan has noted that the law “On Turnover Tax” instead of facilitating the entities’ activities has made it complicated.

The member of the PAP faction Mikayel Melkumyan has informed that they will vote abstained on the draft law.

The Head of the RPA faction Vahram Baghdasaryan has touched upon the process of the adoption of the law “On Turnover Tax” and has reminded that only 11 deputies have voted against the bill. The MP has also noted that there are problems in the sphere and has reminded that only a day ago the issues has been debated with the NA President and the Prime Minister and a distinct agreement has been reached to find mutually admissible solutions within reasonable terms.

The debate of the agenda item will continue at February 4 sitting.

The last hour of the sittings, according to the Rules of Procedure, was allotted to the deputies’ announcements.

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