Seventh Session of the NA Fifth Convocation Starts

On February 2 by the anthem of the Republic of Armenia the opening of the seventh session of the NA fifth convocation was announced.
By the proposal of the NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan the deputies in one-minute silence honoured the memory of the innocent victims of the tragedy occurred in Gyumri on January 12 and the Armenian heroes who gave their life for the defense of the Motherland.
In his word the NA Speaker in particular said: “Dear colleagues, the seventh session of the NA fifth convocation starts with the painful events for our society. It is difficult to find words for assessing the crime committed in Gyumri. Understanding everybody’s feelings, sharing the existing concerns, at the same time confiding in our people’s somber way of thinking and common sense, I wish personally through your and my support, also on behalf of the parliament once again voice out loud that within the limits of our authorities we'll be consistent for the disclosure of the crime. I am sure that the crime will be completely disclosed and the guilty will be strictly punished.
Dear colleagues, during these days the frequency of the subversive actions on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and in different parts of the Karabakh-Azerbaijani line of contact has risen. In honour of our army we should document that the Armenian Army continues the tradition of victories, not only counter-attacking the enemy, but also carrying out preventive actions. Unfortunately, by preventing the subversive actions the officers and soldiers of the Armenian army have fallen heroes fulfilling their military duty and defending everybody's security with their own lives.”
At the first four-day sittings of the spring session the National Assembly approved the draft laws of the agenda of the session and the four-day sittings, passed the RA NA Decision “On the Special Order of the Debate of the Draft Law on Amending the RA Law on Turnover Tax” and the “The Annual Programme of the Activity of the Control Chamber of the Republic of Armenia for 2015 .”
At the first sitting of the session, according to the law on “NA Rules of Procedure” the NA Ad-hoc Accounting Committee is formed. The NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan proposed to re-affirm the order functioning in the former session, according to which, the Committee is comprised of 13 members: 7 from the RPA, 2 from the PAP, and one representative from the other 3 factions. The representatives of the PAP, ANC, Rule of Law and the Heritage factions have announced that they refuse to represent members in the Committee. The proposal, to which the NA 5 factions were against, had not been passed.
The NA Speaker informed that the parliament will refer to the issue at the next day sitting.
The NA deputies also touched upon the formation of the NA Ad-hoc Committee on Ethics. Galust Sahakyan proposed the factions to present candidates for including them in the Committee on Ethics.
It is designed to create a Budgetary Office
Then the parliament continued the debate of the package of bills “On Amending the RA Law Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly,” “On Amending the RA Law on the RA Budgetary System” and “On Amending the RA Law on the RA Control Chamber.”
The Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Artsvik Minasyan highlighted the creation of the working group.
The Deputy Minister of Finance Vakhtang Mirumyan informed that with the participation of the representatives of the government the package several times had been debated in the Standing Committee.
The NA deputies Tevan Poghosyan, Hrant Bagratyan, Khosrov Harutyunyan and Mher Shahgeldyan in their speeches emphasized the creation of the budgetary office.
It is proposed to postpone until July 1 the validity term of the demand on getting the goods and documenting them, designed by the RA law on “Turnover Tax.”
Vakhtang Mirumyan in the first reading presented for the deputies’ debate the RA draft law “On Amending the RA Law on Turnover Tax.”
The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Vardan Ayvazyan has underlined that the political majority is ready to create favourable conditions for the entities.
The debate of the issue will continue at February 3 sitting of the National Assembly.