
The RA President and the Chairman of the State Commission on Coordination of the events for the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, Serzh Sargsyan, today attended the opening of the Komitas Museum-Institute at the Komitas Park. Under the President’s proposal, the resolution to build the museum was passed by the Board of Trustees of Hayastan All Armenian Fund on May 30, 2013. Prior to the opening of the museum, Serzh Sargsyan, in company with the state commission members and guests visited the Komitas Pantheon and placed flowers at Vardapet’s tomb.
The Armenian President congratulated everybody on the opening of the museum-institute, extended his thanks to all the persons who have contributed to the implementation of this important initiative and after touring the museum and familiarizing with various displays, wrote in the book of honorary guests: “The Komitas Museum-Institute is the symbol of the unity and revival of the Armenian people. Komitas Vardapet joined together what is spiritual and worldly, noble and peasant, Western Armenian and Eastern Armenian, thus proving the artificial nature of those, as well as many other dividing lines. By this, he became the pioneer and guarantor of the new march of the Armenian people as genocide survivors, highlighting and passing on a huge layer of civilization to us.
I am glad that owing to this museum, the unexampled legacy of Komitas can now become a subject of systematic study and wide recognition both in Armenia and worldwide. Komitas is the living part of our cultural life who continues to lead us through the complex crossraods of the third millenium now.
The opening of the Komitas Museum-Insitiute is an important event for our country and our people.”
On the occasion of the opeing, a solemn ceremony was held at the concert hall of the newly-opened museum.