
The Mayor had a meeting with the Ambassador of the PRC to the RA


 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan has a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to Armenia Tian Erlun. Congratulating the Ambassador on starting his diplomatic mission in Armenia and pointing out the present high level of the Armenian-Chinese relations Mayor Taron Margaryan expressed hope that the friendly relationship formed between Yerevan and Beijing will go on developing.
“The cooperation between the Municipality of Yerevan and the Embassy of China in Armenia has been really successful and constructive and we attach importance to the role of the Ambassador of China to Armenia and of the Ambassador of Armenia to China in the context of Armenian-Chinese relationship development. I am confident, Mister Ambassador, that you will contribute to cooperation development and expansion between Yerevan and Beijing as well as other cities of China in various spheres”, stressed the Mayor.
Expressing gratitude to Mayor Taron Margaryan for warm reception and willingness to expand cooperation with the cities of China the Ambassador of China to Armenia Tian Erlun said that within his powers he is ready to support and assist in all initiatives and projects aimed at strengthening the bilateral ties.
“I assure you, Mister Mayor, that within my powers I will do my best to give a new impulse to the cooperation between the cities of the two countries, to the implementation of economic programs and development of cooperation in various spheres of urban economy. Taking into account that your role is very important in this issue and the fact that I’ve heard a lot of positive opinions about you at the Embassy I am sure that our joint efforts will give desirable results”, said the Ambassador.
At the end of the meeting Taron Margaryan wished Tian Erlun a lot of success in his responsible post and stressed once again that the Municipality attached importance to effective cooperation with partner cities so they are ready and willing to expand cooperation with the cities of China.

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