
RA NA President Galust Sahakyan Takes Part in the Opening Ceremony of the Cross Stone Dedicated to the Centennial of the Genocide


 On December 6 the RA NA President Galust Sahakyan took part in the opening ceremony of the khachkar /cross stone/ dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. The memorial was erected in Proshyan community as an eternal witness and demander as a sign of memory to the victims of the Armenian Genocide. The day was symbolic for the residents of Proshyan community. The cross stone was anointed by the spiritual leader of the Armenian Apostolic Church, who offered a prayer to God with frankincense to the memory of 1.5mln martyrs. The President of the parliament laid a wreath and flowers to the memory of the victims. During the interview with the journalists Galust Sahakyan has noted that the year 1915 has left its black trace in our history, and we should do our best for reaching justice. According to the NA President, such crimes will be prevented in the world by condemning the Armenian Genocide.

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