
RA National Assembly Continues the Work of the Four-Day Sittings


 On December 2 the RA National Assembly continued the work of the next four-day sittings by voting passing the bills debated on the previous day, except the NA draft decision “On Making Reforms in the RA Electoral Code” authored by Rubik Hakobyan.

After voting the deputies continued debating the treaty “On Joining the Republic of Armenia the Treaty of May 29, 2014 on the ‘Eurasian Economic Union,’” signed in Minsk on October 10, 2014. The key speaker, RA Deputy Minister of Finance Suren Karayan continued to answer the deputies’ questions, which related to the possible rise in price, the volumes and list of the goods import and export, the reforms in the business environment, the possibility of the foreign investments, the expediency of joining the treaty, etc.

The Chairman of the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Vardan Ayvazyan presented the endorsement on the treaty. He highlighted the process of joining Armenia to the EEC and expressed conviction that the accession to the EEC will boost the growth of Armenia's economy and open new opportunities. Vardan Ayvazyan also answered the questions concerning the deputies.

The Chairman of the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Artak Zakaryan informed the deputies that the Committee endorsed the treaty. In his word, this treaty is important for our country in the economic, legal and political terms.

The debate of the treaty will continue at December 3 NA sitting.

The last hour of the sitting, in accordance with the NA Rules of Procedure, has been allotted to the deputies’ announcements.

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