
Yerevan has joined the EU «Тhe Covenant of Mayors» initiative


 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the head of the delegation of the European Union, Ambassador Trayan Hristea. Stressing the importance of cooperation expansion with the European Union in various spheres of urban economy the Mayor noted that besides the international organizations the Municipality of Yerevan is taking serious steps in the direction of cooperation expansion and strengthening with the capitals and mayors of European countries.
"Today we cooperate with more than 40 cities of the world and are members of 8 international and regional organizations creating a vast contractual field and carrying out joint programs. We attach much importance to cooperation expansion with the European Union and I should note, Mister Ambassador, that due to your support our joint projects become more effective and successful", said the Mayor.
Expressing gratitude for warm welcome the head of the European delegation Ambassador Trayan Hristea in his turn noted that the Municipality of Yerevan is a reliable partner and that the Union is willing to expand the cooperation with the Municipality.
"We have had a number of opportunities to make sure in your willingness and in reliability of the Municipality and the results of this trust have been reflected in our successful joint programs. I am sure, Mister Mayor, that we are going to expand the frames of cooperation and involve new spheres of interaction", said Trayan Hristea.
Within the frames of the meeting Mayor Taron Margaryan passed Trayan Hristea the signed document regarding Yerevan's joining the European Union initiative "Тhe Covenant of Mayors". The regulation of ecological problems of Yerevan is considered to be a priority problem and joining this pact I am sure we will have significant success in this issue. Moreover, I am sure that together with other cities joined the covenant will contribute to the solution of ecological problems worldwide", said the Mayor.
The head of the European Union delegation also expressed confidence that Yerevan can play an important role within the frames of "Тhe Covenant of Mayors".
"Mister Mayor, I congratulate you on joining the project. It is really an important step for Yerevan. In fact, you have joint about 5000 your colleagues who represent not only European Union but also the countries neighbouring the Union and have similar problems. Taking into account the effectiveness of our cooperation in different directions I am sure that in this case Yerevan will also have a leading role in the realization of the items of the treaty", said Trayan Hristea.

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