
Mayor Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the delegation of Fujairah, OAE


 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the Chairman of the Court of Fujairah emirate, OAE Mohammad Sayed Al Dhanhani and the Mayor of Fujairah Muhammad Al Afkam who arrived in Yerevan within the frames of the 34th World Congress of the International Institute of Theater (UNESCO). Presenting the guests the system and priorities of Yerevan management the Mayor noted that today significant actions are being taken to provide sustainable development in various spheres of urban management in Yerevan. Referring to international cooperation the Mayor outlined the spheres in which the Municipality of Yerevan carries out successful cooperation with partner cities.
“In the issue of effective management of the capital we attach importance to experience exchange. From this point of view it very important to promote effective cooperation with partner cities. Yerevan is expanding the frames of cooperation from year to year thus, Mister Mohammad Sayed Al Dhanhani, I expect your support as well as the support of my colleague from Fujairah in establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation between Yerevan and Fujairah”, said Taron Margaryan.
Expressing gratitude for fro cordial welcome and conveying the warm greetings of the sheikh of Fujairah emirate Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi, the Chairman of the Court of Fijairah Mohammad Sayed Al Dhanhani in his turn assured that he would do his best in teamwork with the Mayor of Fujairah to establish effective cooperation between Yerevan and Fijairah.
Mayor Muhammad Al Afkam presented the system of Fujairah management and his approaches and noted that they are also willing to establish mutually beneficial cooperation as there is really a wide field for cooperation.
“It’s really important to be in Yerevan and I assure you, Mister Mayor that I will do my best so that we could have discussions round implementation of concrete programs as soon as possible. Taking the opportunity I invite you to Fujairah and this is a good opportunity to make our relations more practical”, said the Mayor of Fujairah.
Having thanked for the invitation and congratulating Muhammad Al Afkam on his appointment Secretary General of the International Institute of Theater Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan wished success to his colleague in that responsible office. The Mayor also promised to visit Fujairah and offered to create working groups which would point out clear directions for experience exchange in erban economy management as well as would work out a number of investment packages.

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