
RA NA President Receives the Ambassador of Poland


 On November 14 the RA NA President Galust Sahakyan received Zdzislaw Raczynski, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Poland to the RA .

Highly assessing the Ambassador’s activity in Armenia the RA NA President has noted that due to his work positive moves have been registered in the Armenian-Polish relations, the cultural, economic ties, and the friendship have been strengthened during the recent years. Galust Sahakyan has highlighted the support of the Armenian and Polish delegations in the international platforms to each other and their effective cooperation within the framework of the Eastern Partnership. Touching upon the recent developments of the region the Head of the Parliament ahs noted that despite the peaceful activity of the OSCE member countries, it is time to take more concrete steps. The RA NA President has expressed hope that by the completion of the diplomatic mission Mr Raczynski’s friendship with the Armenian people and the Armenian politicians will not end.

Thanking for the warm reception and effective cooperation lasted for years Zdzislaw Raczynski has noted that a dialogue of high level has been formed between the two states. He has highlighted the establishment of the diplomatic relations between the states and the official mutual visits. In the Ambassador’s word, the parliaments of the two countries can have their contribution in the rapprochement of the relations. Zdzislaw Raczynski has noted that after the completion of his diplomatic mission he will remain the Armenian people’s friend and with his activity he will promote the rapprochement of the Armenian-Polish friendship and cooperation.

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