
“The aim of the policy adopted by the Municipality of Yerevan is to provide proportional development of Yerevan” Taron Margaryan


 Within the frames of the programs of Yerevan development of 2014 the complex yard improvement and the creation of new parks and gardens have come to the final stage. During his working visit to the district of Arabkir Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan accompanied by the residents of the district solemnly opened some new recreation zones. Within the frames of the annual program of park construction the park adjacent to American University of Armenia has been completely reconstructed and improved. This recreation zone already provided with benches, children’s games, external lighting had been awaited by the residents and they expressed their gratitude for the present. The Mayor planted a fir-tree in the park.
The square located in Gyulbenkyan street of Arabkir district has become a well-arranged recreation zone too. During the opening of the recreation zone the Mayor of Yerevan also unveiled the bust of Galust Gyulbenkyan made by sculptor Garegin Davtyan. Taron Margaryan assessed the work done together with the residents and stressed once again that the main aim of the policy adopted by the Municipality is to provide proportional development of Yerevan and that the programs of improvement will be continued till all the parks and gardens of the capital become well-arranged. “Within our possibilities we increase the number of parks and gardens and this year we have formed some such areas in Arabkir: the park adjacent to American University of Armenia, this square in Gyulbenkyan street where we have opened the bust of the distinguished benefactor. I am confident that these areas have already become favourite places for our residents”, said the Mayor.
Within the frames of park construction and reconstruction programs special attention is paid to the creation of green areas. With this aim the improved areas are provided with new irrigation systems. “Attaching particular attention to the creation and expansion of green areas we regularly hold citywide tree planting and taking this opportunity I’d like to call our residents to take active part in the tree planting and the clean-up to be organized on November 8. I am sure that with our joint efforts we will restore the fame of once green Yerevan as this is our common desire. Tree saplings will be distributed in yard areas and everyone will have the opportunity to plant his tree and to care about it in his yard. Don’t forget that Yerevan is our bog home and each of us is obliged to take care of home. I am sure that our compatriots really love their big home and having even a small contribution we will promote development of our beloved city”, stressed the Mayor.

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