
The programs of cooperation with the Asian Bank for Development will be continued


 The issues related to activities carried out by the investment program of sustainable urban development were discussed during the meeting of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan with the delegation headed by the vice-president of the Asian Bank for Development Ventsai Zhang. Greeting the guests and attaching particular importance to the program of construction of the roads especially bypassing ones in Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan stressed that from the point of view of traffic regulation the program of construction the road in Labour square of Arshakunyants avenue leading to Shirak street is very important for the residents of Yerevan. “Serious steps have been taken in the direction of construction of new bypass roads and we attach particular importance to the implementation of similar programs. The aim of the construction of the road segment being constructed by the first stage of the loan program of the Asian Bank for Development is to have a motorway gate in the south of Yerevan which will correspond to international standards. And we are glad that this program is gradually being solved”, stressed Taron Margaryan.
Expressing gratitude to for warm welcome the vice-president of the ABD Ventsai Zhang expressed his delight with the results of the program and stressed that the Municipality is a reliable and serious partner for the bank. “I have visited the building site of the road and familiarized myself with the process of construction. A lot of work has been done. Be sure, Mister Mayor, that we are glad to work with a structure which is willing to realize all the activities outlined by the program”, said Ventsai Zhang adding that the bank attaches importance to development and expansion of cooperation with the Municipality.
Referring to the second stage of the second stage of the program Taron Margaryan stressed that the Municipality of Yerevan also appreciates the cooperation with the ABD and is willing to promote implementation of further joint programs within its powers. “Taking into account that the first stage activities are going on successfully we expect that the ABD will approve the activities provide for by the second stage as soon as possible the whole construction of the bypass road will come to its logical end. The segments of the highway Argavand-Shirak, Davtashen-Ashtarak and Babajanyan- Ashtarak provided for by the 2nd stage are important segments of the western bypass road of Yerevan and without them the western bypass road can’t be complete. The implementation of this program will make it possible for the transport means moving from the north to the south to pass by the center of Yerevan which will significantly relieve the traffic in the streets of the capital”, said the Mayor.
During the meeting the parties exchanged opinions regarding implementation of programs in other spheres of urban economy too.

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