


 President Serzh Sargsyan today received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to the Republic of Armenia Henry Renault on the occasion of finishing his diplomatic mission in our country.

On behalf of Armenian authorities and on his own behalf, the Armenian President thanked Ambassador Renault for the activities carried out throughout his about four-year tenure and personal contribution to strengthening Armenian-French special relations which was reflected in promoting and deepening cooperation in multiple spheres. The Armenian President underscored that both our country’s public administration bodies, social organizations and our people highly appreciate Henry Renault’s professional activities. Serzh Sargsyan expressed the hope that next French Ambassador to Armenia will carry out his mission with the same devotion and vigor for the benefit of the two friendly countries and peoples and that after his tenure Henry Renault will remain best friends with Armenia.

Ambassador Renault thanked President Serzh Sargsyan for offering kind words and praising his activities underscoring that over the last four years he has done his best to strengthen and promote Armenian-French relations, has worked with the greatest pleasure everywhere and every moment receiving a warm and heartfelt welcome from Armenian authorities and people for which he is very grateful and he believes that his diplomatic mission has succeeded.

At the meeting the tripartite meeting between the French, Armenian and Azeri Presidents to be held on French President Francois Hollande’s initiative in Paris and the negotiation process of the NKR conflict settlement were also touched upon.

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