
The solemn opening of the street named after Henri Verneuil will take place in 2015


 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan welcomed the son of the prominent French Armenian film director Henri Verneuil, Patric Malakyan. Greeting the guest the Mayor said that he was glad to see Patric Malakyan in Yerevan and discuss with him the details of opening the street named after Henri Verneuil. “In fact we were ready to hold the solemn opening of the street after Henri Verneuil today. But taking into account that a number of well-known figures of the French cinematography, numerous friends and worshippers of Verneuil’s art as well as your sisters and brothers expressed wish to take part in the event we have made a decision to do it next year”, said Taron Margaryan.
Expressing gratitude for the reception and for the initiative to name a street after Henri Verneuil Patric Malakyan in his turn noted that the Mayor had made the right decision particularly taking into account that Henri Verneuil is really one of the greatest figures of the world cinematography and the wish of numerous persons to take part in the solemn opening of the street after him in homeland should certainly have been taken into consideration.
It should be mentioned that the decision to name a street after eminent French Armenian filmmaker Henri Verneuil was made at the proposal of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan during the special meeting of the Council of Elders of Yerevan convened on August 10, 2012.

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