


 President Serzh Sargsyan today visited the TV Company Shant, congratulated its staff, owners and many thousands of television watchers on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the TV company. “Throughout these years the company has succeeded as one of the leading players in the sphere, and I think that it really deserves such characterization. I like your work, especially among youth, your meticulous and patient work, as well as your policy of discovering new talents and pushing them forward. As for myself, I am very fond of the project “People’s Singer,” although I have to be honest with you that seldom do I have an opportunity to watch that program, but when I watch it, I do it with pleasure. It is very gratifying labor to give people the opportunity for self-display. It does not matter that tens or even hundreds of people who to put it mildly, are not talented, might come to the studio, but if one of 20-30 persons appears talented you do very gratifying labor for both that person and our society,” said President Serzh Sargsyan and wished the TV company numerous jubilees.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the TV Company Shant, by the RA presidential decrees a number of company employees were awarded RA state decorations for their contribution and many years’ devotion, as well as for their diligent and effective work aimed at the establishment and development of the company and promotion of the TV sphere. President Serzh Sargsyan congratulated the awardees and handed them medals and letters of commendation.

At the TV Company Shant the Armenian President also followed a charitable marathon to open a Tumo center in Gyumri organized at the initiative of the company.

Touching upon this initiative, Serzh Sargsyan welcomed the fact that the TV company’s anniversary is marked by such an important initiative which, in his opinion, will stick in people’s memory for a long time. “This initiative is wonderful just for the fact that it is directed at children. It is also wonderful because it is to be realized in Gyumri. We still have a lot to give to Gyumri, and I am confident that this project will succeed. I am confident because I personally know the authors, Sam Simonian and Arthur Yezekyan, who are among not only the most persistent people I know, but also among the most effective ones. I am confident that this cooperation will yield perfect results. I think it is clear that I was informed about this event in advance, and as a true Armenian, I have also prepared for the event and I want to be personally involved in the realization of this project. I have already talked to our executives, and we have decided to appropriate one floor of our newly-built IT center in Gyumri for the Tumo center. However, we perfectly understand that project will expand, and Tumo which already has its own style, should have its own building in Gyumri. I think that some time later we will also find an opportunity to provide a new building to the Tumo Center in Gyumri, then we will renovate it, and it will operate very effectively and fruitfully. This is the fulfillment of one of our goals. When I talked to Mr. Simonian if I am not mistaken, one or one and a half years ago, we discussed opportunities for opening at least one Tumo center in each marz of our republic, because we also have talented children in marzes, and there are very many of them. I think that the existence of four Tumo centers which were announced by Mr. Simonian today are sufficient for a one and a half year period, and I hope that in upcoming 2-3 years we will talk already about more than ten centers,” said President Serzh Sargsyan.

After the event, the Armenian President toured the pavilions of the TV company, talked to the staff, familiarized with their working conditions, the resources of the company and its development projects, including the construction works of Shant’s new building.

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