
RA NA Deputy Speaker Receives the Delegation of the RF State Duma


 On September 29 the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov met with Mikhail Krotov, the Adviser to the Speaker of the State Duma of the RF Federal Assembly, and Oleg Lebedev, the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Relations with the CIS Countries, Eurasian Integration and Links with Compatriots of the State Duma of the RF Federal Assembly.

In his opening speech, Eduard Sharmazanov has underlined the Armenian-Russian centuries-old friendship and has noted that the relations between the two countries should further develop and deepen, and with this respect he has highlighted the parliamentarians’ role. He has noted that the political and strategic relations between the two countries are in the phase of stable development. Mr Sharmazanov has assessed the coordinated work of the delegations of the two countries in the international parliamentary structures.

Touching upon the NK conflict, Eduard Sharmazanov has positively assessed the role of Russia, as a Minsk Group Co-Chair country, aimed at the peaceful settlement of the problem.

Talking about the problem of the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide, Mr Sharmazanov has thanked the Russian authorities for passing the law on recognition of the Armenian Genocide already in the 90-s.

Eduard Sharmazanov has also referred to the processes of Armenia’s accession to the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). He has highlighted the reinforcement and further deepening of cooperation of the Republican Armenian and Yedinaya Rossiya parties.

Mikhail Krotov has noted that the goal of their visit is to discuss the concrete format and the ways of cooperation at the level of parliamentary factions. Mr Krotov has noted that Armenia, joining the EEU, will become a full member of the Union.

Oleg Lebedev has highly assessed the level of bilateral relations and has emphasized the rapprochement and expansion of cooperation between the Republican Armenian and Yedinaya Rossiya parties.

In the course of the meeting other issues have also been discussed.

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