
Socially oriented target programs are to be implemented within the frames of «Erebuni-Yerevan 2796» events for the first time


 The current repairing of asphalt cover is going on in the capital in accordance with the determined schedule. This was reported during the regular working conference held in the Municipality of Yerevan. Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan instructed to accelerate the activities and to carry out them under close control. It was instructed to inventory the streets where cracks filling is necessary and to organize the work within possibly short time. It was also instructed to submit proposals regarding laying parks and gardens in new places as well as reconstruction of old ones.
«There are areas in the administrative districts which used to be founded as parks and served for years as recreation zones, but today they can't serve their original purpose. In some cases they were tuned into dumps. Such areas are to be studied, inventoried and reconstructed by community means as well as by involving the private sector. Besides, submit proposals regarding creation of new recreation zones», stressed Taron Margaryan.
Regarding construction of wheelchair ramps for the disabled by the community means it was reported that of the anticipated 200 ramps 172 ones had been constructed and put into operation. Besides, 263 entrances of the previously constructed entities have been provided with wheelchair access and within the frames of street reconstruction another 278 ramps have been constructed.
Concerning the everyday control over the quality of public transport service it was reported that as a result of inspections 20 cases of parking of other cars at the bus stops had been revealed. Regarding these and other cases administrative records had been drawn up. More than 250 vehicles were studied by the representatives of the staffs of the administrative districts of Arabkir, Malatia Sebastia, Nubarashen, Shengavit and Kanaker Zeytun districts. The Mayor instructed to go on the activities and to present regular reports on the results.
Regarding wastes dumping in undetermined places it was reported that 8 cases had been revealed the previous week and administrative records had been drawn up. The Mayor assessed the work done as unsatisfactory and instructed the heads of the administrative districts to set strict control over the process. It was also instructed to organize a citywide clean-up on Saturday involving in the activities townspeople, state bodies, the private sector, as well as all the establishments subordinated to the Municipality of Yerevan.
Regarding the process of yard decoration the Chief Designer of Yerevan reported that in 261 addresses the activities had been finished. It was also reported that within this year more than 1000 benches and dustbins had been installed.
It was reported that the programs of the events dedicated to «Erebuni-Yerevan 2798» celebration is completely ready. This year some socially oriented programs have been included in the program of the events for the first time.

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