
The delegation of the Yerevan Municipality had a meeting with the NKR President


 The NKR President Bako Sahakyan had a meeting with Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan who visited Artsakh with the aim of participation in the events dedicated to the 91th anniversary of Stepanakert foundation. Greeting the guests the NKR President attaching the importance to the participation of Yerevan delegation in the event stressed that it is pleasant to record that the cooperation established between the capital of the two republics and between the districts of the NKR and the administrative districts of Yerevan is successful. «The Municipality of Yerevan plays an important role in the life in Artsakh and this is certainly appreciated by us. I am confident, Mister Mayor, that due to your personal efforts the cooperation between Yerevan and Stepanakert as well as between the districts of Artsakh and the administrative districts of Yerevan will be strengthened and expanded», stressed the NKR President. Expressing gratitude for warm reception Mayor Taron Margaryan first of all congratulated the NKR President on Stepanakert's day and stressed that the Municipality of Yerevan will carry on cooperating with Stepanakert and the districts of Artsakh and within its powers will show support in various initiatives and programs. «We attach particular importance to cooperation expansion with Artsakh, Mister President, and as you have rightly mentioned we have achieved noticeable results in it. So, be sure that the cooperation will be long-lasting for the sake of welfare of Yerevan and Yerevanians and of Artsakh and its population», said Taron Margaryan.
At the end of the meeting Yerevan Mayor officially invited the NKR President Bako Sahakyan and the Patriarch of the Artskh diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan to take part in «Erebuni-Yerevan 2796 celebrations to be held on October 11-12. Taron Margaryan stressed that Yerevan had been prepared for the celebration and they had done their best to turn this day into a real celebration both for the residents of Yerevan and for the thousands of guests of the capital.

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