
The first meeting of the 4th calling of the Council of Elders of Yerevan took place


 During the first meeting of the 4th calling of the Council of Elders of Yerevan the draft decision on placement the monument to eminent Armenian poet Hamo Sahyan was approved unanimously. The monument is to be placed in the 5th segment of Circle boulevard.
The Council of Elders also approved unanimously the draft decision on joining Yerevan to the Covenant of Mayors of the Union of Europe. According to the decision of the Council of Elders of Yerevan the people with disabilities and the persons transporting them have been given privileges in car parking. The fees for parking will be charged from the council budget. Thus, the Council of Elders decided to disburse AMD 1 million from the reserve fund of the administrative budget of Yerevan of 2014. Taking into account the number of applications received by the Municipality regarding getting privileges 100 people were taken into consideration. The Council of Elders also approved the land balance drawn up on July 1, 2014 as well as the rest items on the agenda. It was decided to hold the next meeting of the Council of Elders on October 29.

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