
Joint Statement by the Political Factions of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia


 The situation at the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and on the line of contact between the Karabakh and the Azerbaijani forces remains tense. In recent days the Azerbaijani side has repeatedly tried to penetrate into the Armenian positions and conduct subversive activities: the peaceful Armenian settlements are regularly fired from weapons of different calibers.
Azerbaijani military-political leadership strives to benefit from the new geopolitical realities and fail the possibility of peaceful settlement of the NKR conflict by such adventurous attacks. Azerbaijani leadership’s inadequate and irresponsible position contradicts the OSCE Minsk Group’s and international community’s principle of resolving the conflict through peaceful negotiations.

Again, due to the compelled response of the Armenian forces, the adversary has been repelled suffering casualties and injuries. Our Motherland’s border troops proved that permanently giving an adequate response to Azerbaijan they are not going to let it achieve military superiority. During these provocations the Armenian soldier showed his high combat readiness and entire devotion to the Motherland’s defense.

We mourn the loss of our fallen heroes together with our people and sympathize with their families and relatives. Keeping their names and feats alive is everybody’s task.

In the present situation exceptionally highlighting the Armenian society’s unity with the Armenian Armed Forces, the RA NA Factions call on:

The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair states - to undertake practical measures for the withdrawal of snipers from the borderline of the Republic of Armenia, the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, and the Republic of Azerbaijan, incident investigation and exclusion of announcements and actions stirring up hatred between peoples.

International organizations and states - to waive general assessments, approach of putting equality between the parties and condemn Azerbaijan's aggressive and provocative actions aimed at giving a military solution to the problem. Stop large-scale arms sale to Azerbaijan, prone to military adventurism, which contradicts the efforts to establish final peace.

At the same time we declare that if the Azerbaijani leadership continues its destructive behavior, it will be the only one to bear the full responsibility for the unpredictable development of events. The Armenian people and the Armenian soldier have proved and are going to prove that they are ready to ensure the security of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.

The RA NA Factions are unanimous in the support to the Armenian Armed Forces and our Soldier.

“Republican Party of Armenia ” Faction,

“Prosperous Armenia ” Faction,
“Armenian National Congress” Faction,
“Rule of Law” Faction,
“Armenian Revolutionary Federation” Faction,
“Heritage” Faction

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