
In Nor Nork district Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan watched the process of improvement of a garden carried our within “Beautiful Yerevan” program


 To watch the activities carried out in the capital within the improvement programs of 2014 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had a working visit to Nor Nork district. Accompanied by the head of the district Taron Margaryan visited the area adjacent to the junction of Mikoyan and Galshoyan streets where the garden is being improved within the frames of “Beautiful Yerevan” project being implemented jointly by the Municipality of Yerevan and the Armenian office of the UNO Development Program. Presenting the Mayor the work done and to be done by the project the persons in charge noted that after the building and improvement activities which started this spring the previously badly-arranged area will be turned into a well-arranged, landscaped recreation zone with a lot of new trees and bushes.The improvement includes construction of passages and walkways where bowers, benches and dustbins will be placed. A playground, a children’s sandbox and a new drinking water fountain will be constructed in the garden. The harden is scheduled to be put into operation this September.
“Improvement of parks, gardens and green zones in general is among the priority programs of the Municipality. In this regard we follow the principle of proportional development of the capital and the main part of the program is carried out in the outskirt districts. We cooperate with international organizations and private sector. Like “Malatia” park in Malatia Sebastia district this park is improved in cooperation with the Armenian office of the UNO Development Program, within the scope of “Beautiful Yerevan” program. So, 50% of the provided AMD 34 million is disbursed from the Yerevan community budget, the other 50 % is given by the Armenian office of the UNO”, stressed Taron Margaryan.
Walking about the garden and familiarizing himself with the process the Mayor instructed the persons in charge to speed up the process so as to put it into cooperation as scheduled. The persons in charge reported that the irrigation system of the park is being repaired and expanded to provide proper care of green areas. The area will be provide with external lighting and will be available for all social groups.
“The park will be available for people with locomotor problems. In all the projects confirmed by the Municipality we try to provide 70-75% of green areas in the parks and gardens”, said he Mayor. The residents of the surrounding areas taking the opportunity thanked the Mayor for saving this area and creating such a comfortable area for people.

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