
Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had a working visit to the administrative districts of Kanaker Zeytun


 To watch the process of implementation of Yerevan development programs of 2014 on spot Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had a working visit to Kanaker Zeytun district. Like in other administrative districts complex yard improvement is going on here.
Accompanied by the head of the district the Mayor walked about the building sites. The persons in charge presented the Mayor the drafts of the development and the details of the current work.
Taking the opportunity the residents of the nearby yards expressed gratitude to the Mayor for improving the areas which used to be neglected for years. Together with the residents the Mayor walked about the area, heard out the residents’ suggestions concerning the process of improvement and instructed the persons in charge to include the suggestions in the projects. “The policy adopted by us is clear: in the process of improvement of yards, parks and gardens we always take into account the approaches and suggestions of the residents so that they will be satisfied with the work”, said Taron Margaryan. Accompanied by the head of the district Mayor Taron Margaryan also watched the construction of a mini football ground nearby the garden after Minas Avetisyan. The persons in charge reported that it will soon be put into operation. Among the priorities in Mayor Taron Magraryan’s activity is the popularization of healthy lifestyle thus special attention is paid to installation of sport equipment in yard areas and to the construction of football grounds. “One of the important components of yard improvement programs is promotion of healthy lifestyle and with this aim we install sport equipment in yard areas. In parallel, mini football grounds are being constructed. Particularly, in Kanaker Zeytun district we already have 5 playgrounds, another one is going to be put into operation this year”, said Taron Margaryan.
Referring to the problems of the blocks of flats the Mayor of Yerevan noted that practical steps are being taken in the direction of their solution within the scope of cooperation of Yerevan Municipality with the administrative districts and condominiums. The Mayor particularly stressed the problem of repairing of the roofs and porches of the blocks of flats and stressed that the process will be long-lasting.
Within the frames of the visit Mayor Taron Margaryan watched the process of overhauling going in Paruyr Sevak and Zakaria Sarkavag streets. In Sevak street the sidewalks will be completely repaired, about 2600 lin m of kerbs will be placed. Regarding the process of overhauling in Sarkavag street it was reported that about 41000sq m of asphalt cover will be renewed here. In the areas where there is a danger of fallings headwalls are to be built. The open irrigation streams will replaced with close asphalt-concrete canals. The programs provides for to construct bus stop cabins in the places of public transport stopping.

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