
Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had a working visit in Arabkir district


 Within the frames of Yerevan development programs of 2014 improvement and landscaping of yards areas is going on. During his working visit to Arabkir district Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan accompanied by the residents solemnly opened some more yards provided with modern playing attractions, sport equipment, bowers, benches, night illumination. Expressing gratitude to the Mayor for the implementation of yard improvement projects the residents of Komitas 55 and Kochar 17 noted that these yards which used to be in bad conditions for years have replenished the number of well-arranged yards. Having thanked the residents for appreciation the Mayor that the program of yard improvement will be long-lasting. “Each year we improve 400 yards and hand them to the residents’ operation. This year we plan to improve 600 yards due to the participation of the private sector in these activities. It will become a proof of successful cooperation between the Municipality of Yerevan and the private sector. I have mentioned many times that any initiative of the private sector aimed at making the Yerevan environment more comfortable will be always supported by the Municipality”, said Taron Margaryan.
Yerevan Mayor planted fir trees in the landscaped area of the yard at Komitas 55.
During the tour Taron Margaryan also visited the building sites in a number of yards. The persons in charge presented the Mayor the drafts of complex improvement and the details of the process. Within the program of improvement of 2014 it is planned to improve 63 yards in Arabkir district. In 23 ones the work has already been finished. Decoration of yard areas is also included in the improvement programs. “Everybody understands that complete yard improvement can’t be finished within a day or even a year. But the most important was to start it and now we will go on working till all the yards have been well-arranged”, said the Mayor.
Taron Margaryan talked to the residents, heard out to their problems and once again instructed the persons in charge to take into account residents’ suggestions and to include them in the programs. Attaching importance to yard improvement programs the residents joined to Taron Margaryan’s urge and cleaned up the occupied areas by their own initiative.
“I want to thank all those residents who show the right attitude to our program of yard improvement and are sometimes even ready to dismantle their garages to have a well-arranged yard. For example in Arabkir 80 garages have been dismantled. In a word, we will do our best to provide well-arranged yards throughout the capital”, stressed Taron Margaryan.
Besides the program of yard improvement, parks and gardens are also made more comfortable for the residents. The head of the district presented the Mayor the process of improvement of the park in Gyulbenkyan street. By the way, the bust of Galust Gyulbenkyan will be placed in this park.
The mayor also visited the musical school after Sarajyan. As a result of overhauling all necessary conditions will be provided for pupils in this school. Within the Municipality programs of 2013 this school as all other musical schools have been supplied with heating. The Mayor stressed that the program will be long-lasting.

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