
The Mayor of Yerevan visited the NKR Martouni district


 During his offoicial visit to the NKR Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan together with the heads of the administrative districts visited Martouni districts of NKR. Accompanied by the head of the administrative staff of Martouni Nelsn Soghomonyan and the Mayor of Martouni Mher Khachatryan Taron Margaryan first of all rendered the tribute of respect to the victims of the Great Patriotic War and Artsakh battle, as well put flowers at the memorial to Monte Melkonyan. Then the Mayor of Yerevan was shown the small recreation zone in the center of the town which had recently been laid due to assistance of the Municipality of Yerevan. Mher Khachatryan expressed gratitude to Taron Margaryan on behalf of the residents for granting playing attractions and specially decorated benches and stressed that a really comfortable recreation corner was created in this area. Attaching importance to cooperation establishment between Yerevan administrative districts and NKR districts Taron Margaryan stressed that the Municipality of Yerevan will go on doing its best within its powers to develop successful cooperation in various spheres of urban economy with the NKr districts. In particular, Mayor Taron Margaryan greeted already established cooperation between Martouni and Arabkir district of Yerevan and noted that the cooperation is gradually becoming a model.

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