
The Mayor of Yerevan visited the fixed period service men from Yerevan


 During his visit to Artsakh Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan together with the heads of the administrative districts of Yerevan visited one of the military units of the NKR Defense Army and had a meeting with the fixed period servicemen from Yerevan. Talking to them the Taron Margaryan noted that defending the homeland borders hundreds kilometers away from home is a responsible and important mission and assured that the Municipality of Yerevan is always ready to support Yerevan servicemen in taking their service with honour. "Generally, the significance of the army is great for each of us and with such initiatives we express our special attitude to our army, our soldiers and their parents", said the Mayor. The soldiers in their turn thanked Taron Margaryan for permanent attention and support as well as for the possibility to have a regular meeting with their parents. They also assured the Mayor that they defend the borders of homeland with honour and responsibility.
During the visit the servicemen talked with the heads of the districts they live, shared their impressions of the service and thanked for caring attitude.
Wishing the servicemen a good service Mayor Taron Margaryan once again assured that the programs of servicemen encouragement of the Municipality will be long-lasting.

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