


 The President of the Republic of Armenia and the President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay,

Reaffirming the high level of the two countries’ friendly relations and close cooperation based on mutual sympathy and trust;

Guided by the Charter of the United Nations and the fundamental principles, ideas and goals enshrined in international law;

Embracing the values, principles and norms of democracy, human rights, the rule of law and liberal economy;

Seeking to elevate the whole framework of the Armenian-Uruguayan relations to a qualitatively new level;

Made an arrangement to keep on broadening the high-level political dialogue and promoting multi-level consultations between Armenia and Uruguay, cooperating more intensively within the framework of international organizations and international forums, vigorously encouraging and fostering bilateral cooperation in the spheres of trade, investments, science, education, culture, sports, tourism, as well as in other spheres.

Have agreed:

1. To strengthen the two countries’ trade and economic ties in an effort to fully realize and optimize the existing considerable potential. In this regard the parties expressed readiness to encourage business ties between the two countries and to substantially increase the bilateral trade volume;

2. To take this wonderful opportunity of developing the bilateral relations in order to discuss the possibility of opening resident embassies in the two countries;

Expressed their satisfaction with the conclusion of four new agreements within the framework of the RA President’s visit and agreed to take steps aimed at further reinforcing the legal and contractual basis between the two countries.

Emphasized the high level of the Armenian-Uruguayan inter-parliamentary cooperation, especially the visit of the delegation led by the Ex-President of the House of Representatives Jorge Orrico to Armenia in 2012 and the visit of the delegation led by the Ex-President of the National Assembly of Armenia Hovik Abrahamyan to Uruguay in 2013. The parties expressed hope that the parliamentary exchanges, especially at the level of the Armenia-Uruguay and Uruguay-Armenia parliamentary friendship groups, will continue to intensify.

Stressed the importance of promoting decentralized cooperation between the two countries and made an arrangement to set the stage for further enhancement.

Emphasized the need for resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict exclusively through peaceful means and exclusively through the mediation of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, based on the norms and principles of international law, including the non-use of force and threats, the equality of peoples, the self-determination and the territorial integrity.

The Armenian side expressed its satisfaction with Uruguay’s balanced and impartial position on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, praised the visit of the Uruguayan parliamentarians to the Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as the statements made by high-ranking Uruguayan representatives in favor of finding a fair solution to the conflict.

Stressed the need for other countries and international organizations to take an impartial stance toward the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh in order to support the parties in achieving a solution through mutual dialogue and negotiations.

Underlined that using unilateral methods of economic enforcement, including blockades, road restrictions and economic isolation is unacceptable and contradicts the norms of international law.

Ahead of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the parties called all countries of the world and international organizations to recognize and condemn the crime of 1915 committed against the Armenian people and the entire humanity in the Ottoman Empire. The Armenian side mentioned with gratitude that Uruguay is the first country of the world to recognize the Armenian Genocide and to launch its international recognition process. In addition, it welcomed the decision of the Uruguayan authorities on founding an Armenian Genocide museum in Montevideo and President Jose Mujica’s personal contribution to that issue.

Expressed deep concern about the violence in Syria which results in the loss of thousand innocent victims, and expressed their support to all the international efforts targeted at restoring peace and security in that Arab country. The parties also attached great attention to rendering assistance to the Syrian refugees. In this regard, the Armenian side highly appreciated President Jose Mujica’s initiative to grant asylum to 120 Syrian citizens, especially to children who are sheltered in the camps of UNHCR.

Praised and welcomed the major role played by the Armenian community of Uruguay in reinforcing the bilateral relations and expressed readiness to persistently back all its initiatives geared toward strengthening the Armenian-Uruguayan ties.

Done in Montevideo, on July 9 of 2014, in two original copies, each in Armenian and in Spanish.

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