
The results of the assessment and analysis of the work of the administrative districts for the first term of 2014 have been summarized


 The results of the assessment and analysis of the work carried out by the administrative districts in the first term of 2014 were summarized during the conference held in the City Hall of Yerevan. Presenting the brief data on the work carried out in different spheres of urban economy the Advisor to the Mayor Arayik Kotanjyan noted that within the first six months of the year the best rates were fixed in Arabkir; the second place is occupied by Avan, the third one by Davtashen districts. In accordance with the results of the assessment and analysis the lowest rates were fixed in Kentron district.
Referring to the results achieved by the administrative districts, Mayor Taron Margaryan, pointing out the rates achieved by Arabkir district stressed that this result proved the effectiveness if installing the system of assessment. “Everybody remembers that two years ago Arabkir occupied the 10th place. But due to systematic and caring work the whole team of the district gained a desirable result and I express my gratitude to the whole team for this. I am very pleased with the competitive spirit which has been formed between the administrative districts. And taking into account all this, I feel disappointed especially with those districts which used to have best results and now have lost their positions. So, I urge and demand you never get satisfied with your achievements and keep on working to have high results”, stressed Taron Margaryan.
The Mayor instructed the heads of the districts shown poor results to be more consistent and to try to eliminate the found out defects as soon as possible. The heads of corresponding departments of the Municipality were instructed to show support to the mentioned districts in the organization of more effective activities and elimination of the defects. “The residents of Yerevan expect a lot of our team and each of us is obliged to work systematically to justify their expectations”, stressed the Mayor.
At the end of the conference, referring to the current activities carried out in different spheres of urban economy Mayor Taron Margaryan once again stressed that to provide proportional development of the capital the results and volumes of the work to be done within the programs of development are to be increased which can become possible due to coordinated activities carried out locally.

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