


 Today, President Serzh Sargsyan held a meeting with the members of the Specialized Commission for Constitutional Amendments adjunct to the RA President. At the meeting the public discussion process and the intermediate results of the Draft of the Concept Paper on Constitutional amendments were presented.

The chairman of the commission, the President of the RA Constitutional Court Gagik Harutyunyan expressed his satisfaction regarding the public discussion process and its contents stressing that our society is showing a great interest in the constitutional amendment process and the participants are being actively engaged in the discussions. He also praised the assistance rendered by the OSCE Office in Yerevan, the EU Delegation in Armenia, the US Agency for International Development and German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ) in organizing the discussions.

Gagik Harutyunyan added that during the meetings some people proposed to continue the public discussions on the Draft of the Concept Paper in different formats, including in marzes, as well as to sum up the discussion results together with international expert organizations.

The commission members also touched upon the social demands for expanding the format and geography of the additional discussions. Concurrently, considering the wide range of issues touched upon during the discussions of the Concept Paper, the importance of a comprehensive analysis, as well as the necessity of properly organizing and holding the additional discussions, it was suggested to prolong the term of the public discussions for at least three months.

Serzh Sargsyan noted that the public discussions on the Draft of the Concept Paper serve their underlying purpose. He also stressed the importance of thoroughly examining all the issues set forth in the Draft of the Concept Paper on Constitutional amendments, as well as of properly discussing all the issues being of vital importance for the country. The Armenian President approved the proposals presented by the commission and underscored that they will be legally enshrined.

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