
Meeting with Economist-Scientists


 On June 24 at the initiative of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport a meeting with economist-scientists was organized, who had applied to the Committee for discussing the upcoming changes regarding the classification of economic specialties. The NA lecturers, heads of economic higher educational institutions took part in the meeting. The Committee Chairman Artak Davtyan noted that the RA Government had prepared a new draft decision for approving a new list of higher educational specialties. The RA Ministry of Education and Science applied to higher educational institutions for clarifying the list of higher educational specialties two years ago. Among other higher educational institutions the University of Economy also held discussions, as a result of which a professional precise viewpoint was formed.

The economist-scientists presented their collective viewpoint, opining that while making up the list of economic specialties we should be led by labour market demand and not limit the list.

Minister Armen Ashotyan presented the viewpoint of the RA Ministry of Education and Science, noting that Armenia strives to create a list of higher educational specialties in line with those of European educational territory. According to the Minister, 6 specialties are now proposed instead of 18 existing specialties in the sphere of economy in Armenia. In his word, the education in the whole world develops, international education standards get changed and the list of higher educational specialties is made based on time requirements.

At the end of the meeting the RA Minister of Education and Science answered the NA deputies’ and economists’ questions.

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