


 Today, President Serzh Sargsyan conducted a working visit to Tavush marz.

The President of Armenia visited a newly built kindergarten in the border community Voskevan, familiarized with the conditions of that institution built by the Armenian Social Investment Fund. The kindergarten is for two groups – 50 children – and satisfies the village’s present needs. Presently, 31 children attend kindergarten. Serzh Sargsyan congratulated the alumni, their educators and parents and all children in general on the occasion of June 1, Children’s Day, and watched an event organized in the border Voskevan on the occasion of the holiday.

The president also familiarized with the gasification works implemented at Voskevan, as well as in other communities of Noyemberyan’s region, including Voskepar, Baghanis, Barekamavan, Koti in the framework of the Rural Capacity Building program from 31.08.2012 to 01.05.2014. The executives assured that works worth about 3.53 million US dollars have been carried out, around 66 km gas pipeline has been laid on, as a result of which about 2300 potential subscriber households have become the beneficiaries of the program (the gasification works of the mentioned communities were included in the implementation schedule of the presidential directive NK-128-N signed on 30.07.2008). The president was reported that the above-mentioned construction works are over and at present works of exploitation accounting are being carried out which will be finished by June 2014. Moreover, within the next 3 months, at the requests of potential beneficiaries factual mergers of households will be implemented.

During 2014, additional construction works aimed at enlarging the gas distribution network are to be carried out in the framework of the 2012-2013 gasification subprograms. All in all, according to preliminary calculations, 11.38 km long gas pipeline worth 421.208 US dollar is to be laid on across the mentioned communities. The implementation of the additional construction works are in progress which will be finished by the end of the year.

On his working visit, the President of Armenia also attended the anointment ceremony of the newly built Saint Hovhannes Church in Koti community, talked to the members of the community about problems and issues which are of primary concern.

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