
Congratulation address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the International Day of Children’s Rights Defense


 Dear children
I cordially congratulate you on the brightest holiday in the world-the International Day of Children’s Rights Defense.
We, the grown-ups, do our best to make your childhood carefree and safe, so that each of you could get complete education and have the opportunity to make your most cherished wishes come true.
The Municipality of Yerevan in its turn does everything possible to make the environment surrounding you more attractive and convenient. The number of well-arranged yards and playgrounds increasing year by year, various programs and events directed at making children’s life more interesting are the best proof of this. And I am sure that all these steps will make all of you love our city and take care of it in the future for it is yours and you are the future citizens and owners of our capital.
Be healthy and happy and justify all the hopes connected with you.
I wish you cloudless sky and happy childhood, my dear friends!

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