
The issues related to further cooperation between Yerevan and Beirut have been discussed


 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the member of the City Council of Beirut Aram Malyan. Greeting the guest Mayor Taron Margaryan attached importance to the activities of the Armenian politician in the Beirut City Council which are directed at cooperation development with Yerevan. The Mayor expressed hope that in the nearest future they would have noticeable results. “I am sure that Yerevan and Beirut have wide possibilities and perspectives both in the sphere of urban economy and in the issue of experience exchange in the sphere of management. Taking into account the significant role of the Armenian community in Beirut I think that we will be able to establish mutually beneficial cooperation and make it more practical”, said Taron Margaryan stressing the circumstance that Yerevan and Beirut have been twin cities since 2000.
Expressing gratitude for warm reception the member of the Beirut City Council Aram Malyan in his turn stressed the important role of the Armenian community of Beirut in the life of Lebanon and expressed confidence that eventually the relationship between Yerevan and Beirut will become more practical. “The bilateral cooperation is very important particularly in finding joint solutions to similar problems existing in some spheres of urban economy, including experience exchange. It very pleasant for me, Mister Mayor, to be in Yerevan and I am sure that Yerevan and Beirut have big potential for the implementation of joint projects”, said Aram Malyan and taking the opportunity conveyed Taron Margaryan the official invitation of Beirut Mayor Bilal Hamad to visit Beirut to discuss the issues of relationship between the two cities more thoroughly.

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