
The congratulation of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the Last Bell event


 Dear school-leavers
Today the Last Bell will ring in all the schools of the capital, and you will leave your dear schools. Throughout your life you will remember your school years, recollect your school friends and teachers, various events related to them again and again. From this day on new perspectives are opened in front of you, and you should make an important and responsible decision when choosing your future profession. No matter what profession you choose, no matter which way your life goes on you should always remember that you are the followers of your glorious great-grandparents, the heirs of their achievements.
I am sure that you will certainly preserve all the values which had passed through centuries, had overcome many hardships and were handed down to you thanks to your teachers, your parents, and you will enrich those values and give everything a new quality.
I am also sure that with your creative abilities and your will to overcome any hardships you will do your best to make our country and beloved capital more prosperous. And remember, that whatever heights you achieve you owe your teachers first of all.
On this day I want to express my deep respect and gratitude to all teachers for their patriotic work. Congratulations to your parents who have numerous dreams concerning you, and God grant all their dreams come true.
Dear school-leavers
I wish you enter the new life with the sense of dignity. Be proud of being the citizens of the free and independent Armenia and its beautiful capital. Be proud and always uphold the honour of the citizen of the Republic of Armenia, of an Armenian, of a resident of Yerevan.

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