
RA NA President Galust Sahakyan’s Congratulatory Message on the Occasion of the Last Bell


 “Dear graduates,

I congratulate you on the occasion of the Last Bell.

Today the school bell sounds for the last time, announcing the beginning of a new life and new achievements.

During your educational years the school and the teachers have armed you with knowledge and necessary life experience, your parents have filled you with faith and hope preparing you for a more serious life period of self-affirmation and self-expression. At the same time you have received special lessons of love and devotion towards the Motherland and parents, the family and friends, a relative and a stranger.

School year memories are the warmest and the most unforgettable ones. Let those memories guide you for implementing your teachers’ and parents’ wishes and dreams on the way of becoming a dignified citizen of the Motherland and becoming a soldier.

Once again warmly congratulating you on the occasion of the Last Bell I wish you all the best. Let the force inspiring with success, the joy of victory, love and peace be your inseparable guides.”

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