
The congratulation address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the day of Victory and Peace


 Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War, dear compatriots
I cordially congratulate all of us on the Great Victory Day.

May 9 is a double holiday for our people. During the Great Patriotic War our grandfathers at the cost of their life proved that it's impossible to win the soldier who defends his homeland, his own home and hearth. Throughout history, beginning from Hayk and Bel battle up to Artsakh war our people have proved many times that no matter how peaceful and creative and constructive they are in everyday life they are pitiless towards those who tries to break that peace, Our grandfathers proved it during the Great Patriotic War and this day has justly the glorious victory day for them, and our people treats this day with great love, respect and reverence.
May 9 is is a double holiday for us, as inspired with the victory gained by their grandfathers the azatamartiks who became today's heroes wrote another heroic page in the history of our people deliberating the pearl of Artsakh land-Shushi.
Today is the day of remembering the victories, honouring the heroes, taking lessons from the history. And addressing our words of gratitude to the heroes gained these glorious victories and bowing our head before the memory of those fallen, our people re-state that nobody and nothing has been forgotten. Eternal glory to all heroes!

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