
Congratulation of Yerevan Mayor Taro Margaryan on Land Defenders' Day


Dear compatriots, dear veterans of Artsakh war
I heartily congratulate all of us on the Day of Land Defenders.
The role of Yerkrapah units (land defenders) throughout the whole Arshakh deliberation fight is invaluable. At the first phase of the war when we had no regular army, our azatamartiks took charge of land defence and accomplished it with honour. After the formation of the national army they didn't stop taking direct participation in the military activities and unfortunately, many of them sacrificed their lives for the victory and we were proud, are proud and will always be proud of them. I am sure that being a Yerkrapah is not just a calling but a state of soul which should be possessed by every son of Armenian land for whom Homeland is the most important notion. And today, marking Yerkrapah Day we not only render our tribute of respect to our fallen azatamartiks but also undertake the responsibility to keep all that was gained at the cost of their lives.
Honour and glory to our all fallen soldiers!
Dear parents and widows of the fallen azatamartiks
Today is your day too, the day of appreciation of your endless patience and unbreakable will. I congratulate you on this day and with gratitude bow my head before you. Yor have deserved highest appreciation and honour.Be certain that I will always be next to you within limits of my powers.

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