
With the assistance of the Municipality of Yerevan an alternative rehabilitation medical program for children with disabilities is being implemented


The assistant of the Mayor of Yerevan Samvel Mertarjyan presented the programs implemented in 2013 and scheduled for 2014 which are directed at making the city more convenient for people with disabilities.
«In 2013 an unprecedented program was started: AMD 20 million was disbursed from the budget of Yerevan for the construction of wheelchair ramps. This program is another way leading to more convenient Yerevan. As a result of street reconstruction addition 292 wheelchair ramps or access were constructed. During the implementation of this program we cooperated with beneficiary non-government organizations in the issues of choosing the locations and up to the assessment of the final results. In 2014 the sums disbursed for the program doubled becoming AMD 40 million. The competition has already been over; after signing the treaties the construction is to start. The list includes about 200 addresses in different administrative districts. All addresses have been submitted and selected in accordance with the priority», said Mayor's assistant Samvel Mertarjyan and added that a parallel stage of wheelchair access construction had been started due to cooperation with the private sector. Responding to Yerevan Mayor's call, today many private organizations construct wheelchair ramps at the entrances, correct existing defects. «In this issue the Municipality is not only in the position of an instructor or an advisor: in case of need our specialists provide consultations and drafting», said the Mayor's assistant.
Jointly with benevolent NGO «Armenian mothers a new program directed at the most targeted and needy group of the beneficiaries of the organization- families with single mothers with disabled children.
17 children included in the program will get 3 kinds of alternative rehabilitation treatment-hydrotherapy, art therapy, hypotherapy. The duration of each therapy is one month, each month includes 12 trainings.
«Hypotherapy is a rehabilitation method known for ages, it is of greater effectiveness than traditional massage and exercises. Hipotherapia is based on horse movement. While walking a horse's backbone moves the same way as human backbone so the horse passes its rider the right movement signals. Hypotherapy is provided for children's spinal paralysis, autism and a number of other locomotor discords. Hydrotherapy, or water therapy regulates muscle tonus, relieves or strengthen muscles,, develops sense of balance, the locomotor system, relieves spastic states. The water therapy is an inseparable part of complex treatment. The art therapy is accomplished through artistic activity. It is one of the most influential and deep psychological and physical methods», presented the founder of «Armenian mothers» NGO Narine Manukyan expressing gratitude to Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan for the support in such an important for disabled children program. Narine Manukyan noted that within the recent two years the practical assistance of the Municipality of Yerevan regarding disabled citizens had increased.

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