
Mayor Taron Margaryan visited Yerevan city greenhouse


Within the frames of the visit to Yerevan city greenhouse Mayor Taron Margaryan familiarized himself with the process of preparation of the activities provided for landscaping and flowering of the capital this year.
First of all the Mayor was presented the newly imported machinery provided for grass mowing and leaves collection. To ensure proper care of green areas the machinery will be distributed to the administrative districts. The Mayor walked about the greenhouse, talked with the employees. The head of the Department of Nature Protection informed the Mayor about the volumes of the flower sorts grown in the greenhouse and reported that the about 1 million 200 thousand seedlings imported from Holland together with more than 1 million ones grown in the greenhouse will soon be planted in the lawns. It was also reported that the flowering period of the 600 thousand tulips planted in early spring is coming to the end so their bulbs are to be gathered and preserved to be planted in autumn. Rose bushes are already being planted. Totally, about 40 thousand roses will be decorating the lawns this year. So, the flowered areas will reach 7,5 hectares instead of the previous 6,7 hectares.
Stressing the importance of protection and expansion of green areas Mayor Taron Margaryan instructed to carry out systematic work in this direction. “We plan to expand our greenhouse economy.We cooperate with a number of international structures and I am sure we will get serious results in the sphere of nature protection. We also attach big importance to the expansion of irrigation networks. 23 km of new irrigation network is to be installed this year. So, I hope that in a few years the problem of irrigation in the central streets, in parks and squares can be considered solved and afterwards we will turn to the problem of regulation of irrigation systems in yard areas. I have called our residents many times to take active part in the programs of the city development. I call our fellow citizens to become our partners and make proposals so as due to joint efforts we could have a more landscaped and beautiful Yerevan”, said Taron Margaryan.
To carry out more coordinated and proper landscaping the mayor instructed the persons in charge to take into account the climatic conditions, the location and other factors. It was instructed to pay particular attention to the sorts of trees and flowers. The Mayor stressed that though the results of the work done in the field of landscaping is obvious they shouldn’t be satisfied with them and go on working with the same enthusiasm. They should double the volumes of green areas at the same time paying much attention to the preservation of the existing ones. In the current year it is planned to create additional 10 new gardens and to improve 600 yards. Besides, jointly with the RA Government they are discussing the programs to be implemented in the issue of restoration of forest zones.
During the spring tree planting totally 30 thousand trees and bushes were planted in the administrative districts in the context of proportional development of the capital. It is planned to make the total green areas of the capital reach 850 hectares in 2014.

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