
RPA Youth Organization at the Forum of Young Politicians of the South Caucasus


On April 26-27 at the Parliament of Georgia in Kutaisi the RPA Youth organization for the second time participated in the Forum of Young Politicians of the South Caucasus. It was organized by the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy. Active young politicians, representing the political parties of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan, participated in the forum. The two-day forum included two plenary sessions and six working groups. 45 young political leaders from the parliamentary parties of the three countries of the South Couscous took part in it. The representatives of the Republican Party of Armenia delivered speeches on the following topics: “The role of the youth in politics” and “Education and innovation”. They represented the achievements of the Republic of Armenia in the sphere of educational reforms, culture, new technologies, and innovations. They particularly touched upon one of the priorities of the RA Government – Education.
Other topics of discussions were political parties of the South Caucasus, development of economy and business, foreign policy priorities of the South Caucasus countries, human rights etc.
The closing remarks were delivered by the RPA Youth Organization delegate Hayk Mamidjanyan, who in his speech touched upon the issue of youth participation in decision-making processes. He particularly represented what kind of involvement youth representatives can have in politics and how they can have more influence on political processes.
The participants were especially surprised at the fact that the RA young political leaders are so actively involved in the RA political system and decision-making processes.
In their concluding remarks the organizers emphasized the role of the RPA delegate in the preliminary works of the forum.


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