
The address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the event of the Police Day


 Respectable police officers, veteran policemen,
I'd like to congratulate all of you on the professional holiday-the Day of Police. There is no doubt that each of us though not loudly but at their hearts every day appreciates the result of the hard and responsible work carried out by you. And it's not occasional for with your invaluable contribution to our statehood today you keep on serving with devotion both for our state and out people.
As the Mayor of Yerevan I can say with certainty that today Yerevan is among those few cities where public order, convenience and safety are at the high level of organization. Even late at night walking about the city is really safe and this fact proves my words best of all. And this is certainly due to your efforts and hard work. Be sure that all this is highly appreciated by everybody. Congratulating you once more I wish you good service, strong health, new professional achievements.

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