
The address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the event of the Yezidi New Year


 Respectable representatives of the Yezidi community,
I'd like to congratulate you heartily on the Yezidi New Year, Melek Taus.
The friendship between our two peoples has a centuries-old history and throughout it we have had various occasions to make sure that this friendhip is sincere. Our country is really a home for the Yezidis livinf in Armenia and from this point of view it is not surprising that the Yezidis worldwide also have their contribution to the issue of strengthening and flourishing Armenia and its capital, Yerevan.
Armenians and Yezidis have always been side by side sharing hardships and joys and which has been and will be highly appreciated. An example of such relations is the fact that there is a representative of Yezidi community in the Republican faction of the Council of Elders of Yerevan which proves that Yezidis are fully integrated in the process of solution of the problems concerning our society.
Congratulating you on the occasion of Taus Melek I wish you strong health, new achievements, happiness and welfare to your families.

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