
The address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the Day of Maternity and Beauty


 Dear mothers, sisters and women
I'd like to congratulate you heartily on the Day of Maternity and Beauty.This beautiful holiday is another wonderful occasion to honour you, to address you the words of appreciation and gratitude. For us, Armenians, maternity has always been the highest calling of women and mother has always been worshiped by us.It's not surprising that we mark the Day of Maternity on the Day of Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
On every decisive moment of our thousands-year-old history Armenian Woman has been able to take any hardship on her fragile shoulders and stand side by side with her husband, her father, brother or son. Due to this you have always been the base of the traditional Armenian family and the guarantee of long life of our people.
Today you are next to us with the same devotion and go on contributing to the prosperity of our country and our beloved capital.
Dear mothers, sisters and women
Congratulating you once again on the event I wish you strong health and let the warmth of Mother's heart, women's charm and bright smile, tenderness and attraction as well as the love of your sons accompany you throughout your life.

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